User profiles

The User Profiles functionality allows multiple users and groups to work with the software using customized settings and preferences.

You need to select a profile before you can start using Stereo Investigator Cleared Tissue Edition.

User Profiles is not a login or validation feature.

Lab managers will use User Profiles to create, change, or remove user profiles. Each user profile is unique, but profiles can have the same program settings. For example, administrators can configure profiles with lenses, cameras, and other equipment used in their labs.

Profiles contain the following user information:

  • Stereo Investigator Cleared Tissue Edition. ini file—information the program needs to operate, including the settings and preferences you use.Stereo Investigator Cleared Tissue Edition. len—lens information and settings
  • Stereo Investigator Cleared Tissue Edition. UI—information on which toolbars you have on display and which windows, such as the Virtual Section Manager, are open and where they are placed
  • any configuration and data backup files

If you are upgrading from an earlier release, you can use your old Stereo Investigator Cleared Tissue Edition. ini and Stereo Investigator Cleared Tissue Edition. len files. If any changes need to be made, the program makes the changes.