A variety of marker symbols are available in the Markers toolbar.
When you select a symbol (i.e., marker type), you start the Markers mode. While in Markers mode, contour/neuron tracing is disabled. To return to tracing, turn off the Markers mode by deselecting the last symbol you used in the Markers toolbar.
While there is a comprehensive menu of editing options in the standard window (2D), note that there is are also several editing options available in the 3D visualization window3D environment.
To delete the last marker placed, press CTRL-Z.
To delete all markers associated with a symbol, right-click over the symbol in the Markers toolbar and select Delete All Markers of This Type. All instances of this marker are deleted.
Useful for Marker and Region Analysis in Neurolucida Explorer and for editing contour and markers simultaneously.
This is equivalent to using the Trace>Tools>Correct Z shrinkage command to apply shrinkage to a single marker, or to the entire section.
Bind a marker or set of markers to the nearest tree (i.e., nearest to the mouse click) at the root branch. Later manipulations of the tree include the attached markers.
Possible application: attach boutons that you have marked to their axon. The axon can then be moved, rotated or scaled while keeping the markers in their appropriate locations.
Bind a set of markers to the nearest tree branch (i.e., nearest to the mouse click). This action is only visible when you select several markers.
Choose a new color. Applies only to the selected marker.
A marker type is defined as all markers having the same shape. Changing a marker shape means changing a marker type.
Copies the selection to the Clipboard.
Deletes all selected markers.
Returns you to the previous mode.
The program flips the marker around the center defined as the reference point. If you uncheck Flip around origin (reference point), the program flips two or more markers only, using their center as the origin.
See Hidden Objects for information on working with hidden objects.
Designates a marker as a locus.
Used by Neurolucida Explorer when performing a locus analysis, measuring the straight-line distance from the locus/loci to all other markers in the file. See Marker & Region Analysis in Neurolucida Explorer.
Places the selected markers into a new section. See "Using the Serial Section Manager"
Applies only to the selected marker.
Move the marker(s) around the center point indicated by a green target icon.
If a single marker is selected, this option has no effect unless the center point is moved.
Undoes the last change to a marker.
Colocalization markers combine 2, 3, or 4 markers into one marker. Use these markers to label cells and structures that were prepared with two or more staining methods. Colocalize markers Colocalize markers for details.
See Colocalization analysis in Neurolucida Explorer for an alternative method.
Number of markers placed for a given marker type/symbol.
Go to File>Preferences>Display Preferences>Markers or use the right-click menu for changes to individual symbols.
Neurolucida applies the change to all markers associated with that symbol, including the markers already placed.
The marker becomes unavailable in the toolbar and markers that are already placed are hidden.
See Hidden Objects for information on hiding and revealing objects.
Right-click over the Markers toolbar and select Customize Markers Bar.