General preferences: AutoSave

AutoSave will create automatic backup copies of your data files.

AutoSave only saves data files. Data files contain links to the image directory and scaling information, but do not contain image data. Image data is saved and changes to images (such as those made with Image adjustment) are not automatically saved.

Recovering a backup

  1. Optional: If the file was created in Live Image mode, set the same reference point.
  2. Select File>Preferences>AutoSave>Open folder and close the Preferences window.
  3. In the Windows Explorer window, click Date modified to sort by date.
  4. Click and drag the file you want to recover into Neurolucida's tracing window to open it.
  5. Select File>Save as>Data file and save the file in the appropriate location (don’t save it in the AutoSave folder).
  6. Optional: Use Move>Joy Free to realign your tracings with the slide.