
Use to analyze the distance between two trees (e.g., distance between a neuronal fiber and a blood vessel).

Neurolucida Explorer compares the trees and determines the percentage of the fiber in closest proximity to the neighboring fiber.


  1. Select both trees in the Data List window by clicking their labels.
  2. Click Analyze>Neuron data>Anatomical and open the Proximity Analysis window opens .
    • Granularity for Tree Decomposition: Distance between points on each individual fiber.

    Ex: Setting the granularity at 2 for a 10-µm fiber results in 5 points on the fiber.

    • Bins for Diameter: Available if you selected Diameter Details.

Analysis results


Bearden, S.E., and Segal, S.S. (2005). Neurovascular alignment in adult mouse skeletal muscles. Microcirculation. Mar 12(2):161-1677.