Neuron summary (branched structure)



The neuron summary provides an overview of the selected neuron components: axons, dendrites, and cell body.

The overview includes lengths, areas, volumes, quantities, and complexity. Quantities include the number of nodes, terminations, and spines on the branched structures.

Analysis results

Neuron Summary

If there is more than one object of a given type, Neurolucida Explorer generates the mean for Length, Area, Surface, Volume.

The area refers to 2-dimensional data while surface refers to 3-dimensional data.

Cell Body Contours

Note that somas detected automatically in the Neurolucida 360 3D environment are contoured in X-Y at each z-plane in which the cell appears. Typically multiple contours will be reported for each soma and measurements for each contour are reported.

The calculations for cell body are similar to the calculations used for contours: see Contour Measurements in the Neurolucida user guide.

Cell bodies summary