Outline objects

This detection algorithm is based on the current image adjustments histogram, not the raw image data.


  1. Open an image (you can't detect on a live image) and zoom to an area containing objects representative of the objects you wish to outline.
  2. Click Trace>Automatic>Outline objects.
  3. In the Outline Detected Objects window, select Use Full Image or Use Region(s) of Interest under Detection Space.
  4. Click a representative object. NeuroInfo displays a preview of outlined detected objects.
    • For a list of contour measurements, click Contour Measurements. NeuroInfo displays the results in the Contour Measurements window.
    • If the outline is difficult to distinguish, change its color: Under Status / Change Preview Color, click to change the color of the outline.
    • To use presets : See Automatic Object Detection/Presets.
  5. Adjust any of the parameters; every time you adjust a parameter, NeuroInfo updates the Results .
  6. Click Outline Objects to apply the parameters.