You are here: The interface > Menus > Acquisition > Acquire Image Stack

Acquire Image Stack

An image stack is a series of single images placed on top of each other. Acquiring image stacks instead of single images adds a z-dimension to the images, and is critical for certain probes3D neuron reconstruction.

  1. Click Acquisition>Acquire Image Stack to display the Image Acquisition window.
  2. To use different acquisition parameters, click the Options button to open the Image Stack Acquisition Options window.
  3.  After selecting different parameters, the Image Acquisition window changes to reflect the new parameters. For example, .
  4. Click the Live Image button to easily obtain a live feed from your camera (same as Acquisition>Live Image).
  5. Click the Acquire Single Image button to test your settings (e.g., exposure) on a single image before collecting the entire stack.


See Image Stack overview

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