Preferences: Contours
Opening the contour settings preferences
To access the Contour Settings window, go to:
File > Preferences > Tracing > Contours
Click the cog icon
in the Contours section on the Trace ribbon in the main Microlucida window.
Buttons and commands
Create New Contour box
(optional) Type a name for the new contour into the box that says Contour Name.
Click the Add Contour button: your new contour is added to the bottom of the table on the right side of the Contour Settings window
All Visible button: Click to make all hidden contours become visible.
None Visible button: Click to hide all contours.
Set Color button: Highlight a contour type then click the button to change the contour color (you may also double-click the color box next to the contour name).
Default Colors button: Restores the default colors.
Table with contour names, color, visibility
Contour Name column: To change a contour name, click the name (the table cell will become highlighted), then type in the new name. Keep the name under 12 characters.
Color column: double-click the color you want to change to open a color-picker. Select the desired color, then click the OK button to assign it to the contour.
Hidden column: Check the box to hide the contour type (see also Hidden objects)
When a contour type is marked as hidden, it is not available from the Contour drop-down list in the Main toolbar.
If you have used a contour type to trace structures, then hidden the contour type, the hidden contours become invisible (until you unhide them by clearing the checkbox).
Also see Tracing contours (2D)