
The MacroView window displays an overview of the current image. A navigation box outlines the area of the image currently on screen in yellow .

  • Click a region of interest in the MacroView image to instantly navigate to that area in the current image. The navigation box is re-sized based on the zoom level.

Modifying the MacroView settings

For administrators

To access the settings, click Tools>Viewer Options. The Image tab in the Options panel opens .

MacroView stack loading interval: The default is 3 which means that the view in the MacroView window is refreshed every 3 planes based on the current Z location.

Set the stack loading value to:

  • 1 if you need MacroView to display every plane (this may result in slower loading).
  • At least 5 for faster loading.

Biolucida caches all downloaded macro images. When you reopen the image, Biolucida will preload any MacroView images downloaded in a previous session.


Also see Navigating images, MacroView images are not being updated for some image stack planes














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