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17 citations in peer reviewed journals, and counting….

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Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

Artificial Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Models: Applications in Pharmaceutical Product Development

03 July 2023
Singh, I., J. Kaur, et al.

Artificial Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Models: Applications in Pharmaceutical Product Development. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 66. >> View Publication

Current Research in Neurobiology

Efficient viral expression of a chemogenetic receptor in the old-world monkey amygdala

09 June 2023
Lerchner, W., K. Dash, et al.

Efficient viral expression of a chemogenetic receptor in the old-world monkey amygdala. Current Research in Neurobiology 4: 100091. >> View Publication


Behavioral role of PACAP signaling reflects its selective distribution in glutamatergic and GABAergic neuronal subpopulations

19 January 2021
Zhang, L., V. S. Hernandez, et al..

Behavioral role of PACAP signaling reflects its selective distribution in glutamatergic and GABAergic neuronal subpopulations. eLife 10: e61718. >> View Publication

View All Citations

Singh, I., J. Kaur, et al. (2023). "Artificial Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Models: Applications in Pharmaceutical Product Development." Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 66.

Lerchner, W., K. Dash, et al. (2023). "Efficient viral expression of a chemogenetic receptor in the old-world monkey amygdala." Current Research in Neurobiology 4: 100091.

Gergues, M. M., K. J. Han, et al. (2020). “Circuit and molecular architecture of a ventral hippocampal network.” Nature Neuroscience 23(11): 1444-1452. 10.1038/s41593-020-0705-8

Hooks, B. M., A. E. Papale, et al. (2018). “Cell type-specific variation of somatotopic precision across corticostriatal projections.” bioRxiv: 261446. 10.1101/261446

Lindberg, P. T., J. W. Mitchell, et al. (2019). “Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Peptide (PACAP)-Glutamate Co-transmission Drives Circadian Phase-Advancing Responses to Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cell Projections by Suprachiasmatic Nucleus.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 13.

Paletzki, R. and C. R. Gerfen (2015). “Whole Mouse Brain Image Reconstruction from Serial Coronal Sections Using FIJI (ImageJ).” Current Protocols in Neuroscience 73(1): 1.25.21-21.25.21.

Zepecki, J. P., K. M. Snyder, et al. (2019). “Regulation of human glioma cell migration, tumor growth, and stemness gene expression using a Lck targeted inhibitor.” Oncogene 38(10): 1734-1750.

Zhang, L., V. S. Hernandez, et al. (2021). “Behavioral role of PACAP signaling reflects its selective distribution in glutamatergic and GABAergic neuronal subpopulations.” eLife 10: e61718.

Lerchner, W., A. A. Adil, et al. (2021). “RNAi and chemogenetic reporter co-regulation in primate striatal interneurons.” Gene Therapy.

Naskar, S., J. Qi, et al. (2021). “Cell-type-specific recruitment of GABAergic interneurons in the primary somatosensory cortex by long-range inputs.” Cell Reports 34(8): 108774.

Weber-Adrian, D., R. H. Kofoed, et al. (2021). “Systemic AAV6-synapsin-GFP administration results in lower liver biodistribution, compared to AAV1&2 and AAV9, with neuronal expression following ultrasound-mediated brain delivery.” Scientific Reports 11(1): 1934.

Fedakar, H. I. (2021). “Developing New Empirical Formulae for the Resilient Modulus of Fine-Grained Subgrade Soils Using a Large Long-Term Pavement Performance Dataset and Artificial Neural Network Approach.” Transportation Research Record: 03611981211057054.

Inácio, S. V., J. F. Gomes, et al. (2021). “Automated Diagnostics: Advances in the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Humans and Animals.” Frontiers in veterinary science 8: 715406-715406. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.715406

Eastwood, B. S., Hooks, B. M., Paletzki, R. F., O’Connor, N. J., Glaser, J. R., & Gerfen, C. R. (2019). Whole mouse brain reconstruction and registration to a reference atlas with standard histochemical processing of coronal sections. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 0(0). doi: 10.1002/cne.24602.

Hooks, B. M., Papale, A. E., Paletzki, R., Feroze, M., Eastwood, B. S., Couey, J. J., . . . Gerfen, C. R. (2018). Cell type-specific variation of somatotopic precision across corticostriatal projections. bioRxiv, 261446. doi: 10.1101/261446.

Hooks, B. M., Papale, A. E., Paletzki, R. F., Feroze, M. W., Eastwood, B. S., Couey, J. J., . . . Gerfen, C. R. (2018). Topographic precision in sensory and motor corticostriatal projections varies across cell type and cortical area. Nature Communications, 9(1), 3549. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05780-7.